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    jztsoftware 2013-04-02 15:36
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  • The.Foundry.NukeX.v8.0.MacOSX 1CD

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    gjk1204 2011-03-28 15:41
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  • Mentor.Graphics.FlothermPCB.v7.0.Windows 1CD

    Mentor.Graphics.FlothermPCB.v7.0.Windows 1CD Mentor.Graphics.FlothermPCB.v5.3   Mentor Graphics公司Mechanical Analysis Division(原Flomerics公司)推出全新概念的软件——FloTHERM.PCB 5.3(原FLO/PCB),它为优化印刷电路板热设计提供了一种跨专业的设计环境,使电路板设计工程师们能够在设计电路板的概念
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