


PipeSupport-ProPipeSupportPro v3.1 英文全功能专业版

已有 330 次阅读  2013-03-22 17:22
PipeSupport-ProPipeSupportPro v3.1 英文全功能专业版

The object of PipeSUPPORT PRO is to enable the easy selection, design and numbering of pipe supports and to make it simple to find the details of a particular support given that the number is to hand.
Annexed my trial renew. Apply from every folder but keep ther two files in the same folder when running.
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Code V.v10.4.SP1       
CAESAR II  2013 R1 v6.10  
Stoner Pipeline Simulator v9.8.0(v9.7.2, v9.6, v9.5) 
Synergee gas V4.50                     
Schlumberger PIPESIM v2010.1 (v2009.1)  
Coade caesar V5.30.3 (V5.30.1,v5.2,v5.1) 
Coade PVelite v2012(v2010)               
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HTRI Exchanger Suite v6.0 (Xist,Xace,Xfh,Xphe,Xspe,Xtlo,Xvib) 
Engineered Software PIPE-FLO PRO V2009    
FRNC-5PC V4.16 (V4.10)                     
EngineersAide V81                          
Neotec PIPEFLO v8.5.12 (V8.3.2.2)          
Neotec FORGAS v10.1.5 (V10.1.1)             
Neotec WELLFLO V8.1.6(v7.300.1.4)           
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coade tank v3.1                              
SW6 V7.05                                    
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Intergraph CADWORX 2012                       
FRNC-5PC V8.0                                  
Schlumberger PIPESIM v2010.1 (v2009.1)      
Coade PVelite v2011(v2010)                
Pipenet v1.50(v1.41, v1.40)                
Flaresim v3.04                            
Spt Olga v7.1(v6.3, V6.2)                 
HoneyWell.UniSim.Design R400 (R370)                        R400 16067
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VMGSim v6.5               
Flowmaster V7.5.0         
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